AC takes a chop every night; getting a window unit

I feel like my health is adjusting every single morning and I couldn’t be more proud of myself! During this global pandemic I have been taking fantastic care of my physical health, including starting a up-to-date exercise regime, reducing my drinking, and quitting smoking.

I’m looking and feeling really fantastic everyday, but recently I have been suffering from low quality sleep. For a few nights, I thought that I was going to need to quit caffeine. Then, I realized that my insomnia was honestly connected to bad indoor air quality at night. You see, as this pandemic has stretched on, the outdoor climate has changed harshly. My friend and I are experiencing regular summer time temperatures as the months float by. As our outdoor air temperature has changed, our indoor air quality controls have also adapted. For the first time, we have been using the central cooling system that came installed in this rental home. It turns out, the A/C unit is doing some funky stuff in the middle of the night and these air quality fluctuations have been messing with my sleep schedule. I noticed that no matter how we program the temperature control, our central cooling system seems to take a chop from providing cool, fresh indoor air around 3 a.m. every night. I wake up and find that my room is filled with stagnant, muggy air. No matter how more than 2 fans are blowing, I cannot get back to sleep when I’m covered in sweat in the humid and smelly air. Due to the quarantine, I haven’t been able to call out a central heating and cooling company to inspect the A/C unit. So I decided to purchase an A/C window unit to resolve the problem on my own, poor air quality be damned, I’m going to appreciate my healthy quarantine.


air conditioner service plan