I have been using my neighbor’s humidifier

I have been using my neighbor’s humidifier

I have been using my neighbor’s humidifier, and I did not even realize it. I feel so awful now that I know, but there is nothing that I can do now. I apologized to her, and she just laughed about it. I don’t think she was that infuriated because she took it so well. She

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Heat pumps – why aren’t my friend and I all using them

Heat pumps – why aren’t my friend and I all using them

My entire life growing up I remember being uncomfortable, and literally. My mom was an seriously stringent woman, as well as my friend and I didn’t have much currency to labor with anyways. As such, my friend and I absolutely were not allowed to too many household Comforts in my adolescence. For instance, I remember

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Checking my sump pump

Checking my sump pump

When we get a lot of rain it also means that a thunderstorm has come along with it. I can’t believe the amount of rain that we have received this month. My basement was on the verge of flooding but luckily we didn’t see any water. I was very lucky because my sister is moving

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Having a plumber to take a look at my family room sink

Having a plumber to take a look at my family room sink

I recently had a lot of people over for my fiance’s fiftieth anniversary. My pal and I host a lot of parties because our home is honestly spacious for them. His anniversary celebration was a hit, he had no idea. All of his friends were there plus all of his friends who he hasn’t seen

Contine Reading

Need the sound of bugs to sleep after travelling abroad

Need the sound of bugs to sleep after travelling abroad

Several years ago I realized that I was rather unfulfilled in my life. I have been working my butt off for a number of years trying to make a living. However, none of my work ever seemed like it mattered. I was tired of catering to rich housewives and their spoiled children as a tennis

Contine Reading

Some heated flooring would be fine

Some heated flooring would be fine

I am moving a bit slow this week after doing a heavy leg workout last week in the sand. I filled this giant bag with sand as well as dragged it walking backwards for 15 minutes, which is supposed to strengthen the quad muscles as well as help aid the knees. I had an MRI

Contine Reading

Heat pumps – why aren’t we all using them

Heat pumps – why aren’t we all using them

My entire life growing up I remember being uncomfortable; Literally. My Dad was an extremely stringent woman, and we didn’t have much cash to work with anyways. As such, we easily were not allowed to too various house Comforts in my adolescence. For instance, I remember her yelling at us for leaving on lights. Sure,

Contine Reading

Fall is the best season

Fall is the best season

You can open your windows, forget about your thermostat, and venture outside Something happened a few weeks ago that was pretty remarkable, i was in such a deep funk, depressed and down on myself. I didn’t know what I was doing in life or why, however everything felt completely helpless and hopeless… And then… the

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It is difficult to find sites for all our stuff

It is difficult to find sites for all our stuff

I have observed a lot of construction in our section over the past few years. Residential areas are booming, office buildings are going up plus immense facilities for self storage are going up right along with them. I can’t help however wonder why we need so multiple of those. I started asking my friends, sort

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Going to labor and the toilet being backed up

Going to labor and the toilet being backed up

I labor for a tiling company doing a lot of administrative work. I have been there for twelve years now and I really do still love my job. I have been the longest worker there and have gained plenty of promotions so far. I have about five more years until I retire from there. I’m

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Dream of tropical vacation

Dream of tropical vacation

I can’t say that I’ve been able to travel really extensively in my life so far, unfortunately. When I was growing up we didn’t really have much currency, so our family didn’t take trips together. When I got to working age, all my time was devoted to keeping up with my responsibilities as well as

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I bought an air purification system for my best friend

I bought an air purification system for my best friend

I bought an air purification system for my best friend. I cherish my best friend, Katie, so much, and we have been friends since my associate and I were in kindergarten, so it has been a few years. I could not imagine my life separate from her. My husband and I moved a few hours

Contine Reading

I have been using my neighbor’s humidifier

I have been using my neighbor’s humidifier

I have been using my neighbor’s humidifier, plus I did not even realize it. I feel so exhausting now that I know, however there is nothing that I can do now. I apologized to her, plus he just laughed about it. I don’t feel he was that distraught because he took it so well. She

Contine Reading

Requirements that change by region need to be considered

Requirements that change by region need to be considered

Many people are under the impression that all HVAC systems are basically the same. On one hand, this is a tploy statement. However, did you know that the efficiency rating can vary depending upon the region you are living in? Regulatory guidelines allow this discrepancy in order to allow HVAC dealers to offer what works

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A trip to Paris opened my eyes

A trip to Paris opened my eyes

Thankfully my hotel room was weather conditions controlled so I was able to get a good evening’s sleep at evening. Having lived in the Midwest most of my life I had no idea that the rest of the world lived so differently. Farmhouses, corn fields plus cows were my normal plus I had only been

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How is the indoor air quality in your home?

How is the indoor air quality in your home?

My stocks had a pretty lame week last yearconsidering that they started production finally after all of these years. I undoubtedly have no clue why it isn’t moving up with this big news, however not much happened with the price of it after falling so much the past few months. I just need to chill

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Twelve Hour Trip Without AC

Twelve Hour Trip Without AC

Words cannot express how wonderful my husband is! Vince works so hard to provide for our family. I am so thankful that I never have to supplement my husband’s income or work an outside job though there is nothing wrong with either. My lifelong dream was to be a stay at home mom, and because

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Having a plumber to take a look at my family room sink

Having a plumber to take a look at my family room sink

The pipes were spraying out water! I’m not sure what happened to the pipes and I was going to get my hubby to repair it but he was too hungover so I called my local plumber who is legitimately reputable around my area. I recently had a lot of people over for my hubby’s fiftieth

Contine Reading

Some heated flooring would be fine

Some heated flooring would be fine

I am moving a bit slow today after doing a heavy leg workout yesterday in the sand. I filled this big bag with sand and dragged it walking backwards for 15 minutes, which is supposed to strengthen the quad muscles and help aid the knees. I had an MRI done on my knees which showed

Contine Reading

Why should you consider a variable speed system?

Why should you consider a variable speed system?

As an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C salesperson I try to find the system that best suits the needs of my shoppers. I want them to return to me in the future if they want to upgrade or upgrade something so I try to receive their loyalty by offering the best system I can right off

Contine Reading

Custom table made of fantastic quality

Custom table made of fantastic quality

I now need to update my TV stand, shoe rack, and end table in the living room For a long time my husband and I used an ottoman as a living room table, i would say for about three years we didn’t own a table, however that is because when you own something, it is

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Met my dad; he’s my Heating and Air Conditioning tech

Met my dad; he’s my Heating and Air Conditioning tech

Life is going to throw unexpected curveballs at you when you least anticipate them. I have learned this the hard way year after year in my relatively short lifetime. It seems like whenever I feel I know what has coming my way I am bound to be surprised. This has genuinely been the case with

Contine Reading

Why should you consider a variable speed system?

Why should you consider a variable speed system?

As an HVAC salesperson I try to find the system that best suits the needs of my customers. I want them to return to me in the future if they want to upgrade or replace something so I try to gain their loyalty by offering the best system I can right off the bat. Right

Contine Reading

Need the sound of bugs to sleep after travelling abroad

Need the sound of bugs to sleep after travelling abroad

Several years ago I realized that I was rather unfulfilled in my life. I have been working my butt off for a number of years trying to make a living. However, none of my toil ever seemed like it mattered. I was exhausted of catering to rich housewives and their spoiled children as a tennis

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