Most people don’t cherish having wash air to breathe.
- I was absolutely one of those people until I traveled the globe for my task.
I’ve been to several big cities where millions of people live with polluted air every single day. Some have to wear masks to protect themselves from breathing in harmful pollutants. To be honest, I wasn’t even aware that the air I breathe in could potentially be filled with pollutants. I have been traveling the globe plus becoming more plus more aware of the fact that I may not be breathing in wash air all of the time. I am currently residing in a actually big neighborhood out East, plus although the pollution is nothing compared to that of other countries I’ve visited, it is absolutely present. I decided to purchase an media UV air purifier to ensure that I am doing my part to breathe in pure air. I also downloaded an app on my PC that lets me know the afternoons that the pollution is higher than others, plus I wear a mask while outside on those particular afternoons. I started out just using one media UV air purifier in my house, but I decided that one actually wasn’t enough for my big house, so I bought another one a couple weeks ago; Believe it or not, I have noticed a immense difference in the overall fresh plus wash feeling of the air in my home. My hubby, who doesn’t usually notice small details, noticed the difference in the quality of the air in our home. I know everyone may not guess about whether the air they are breathing is pure or not, but I absolutely do!