Something happened a few weeks ago that was pretty remarkable.
- I was in such a deep funk, depressed plus down on myself.
I didn’t know what I was doing in life or why. Everything felt completely helpless plus hopeless… And then… the weather shifted; My friend and I went from drastic Summer heat, with hot plus cold temperatures above 95 degrees every single day… to a beautiful, sunny, 68 degrees yearly. And my life completely changed. It’s like my eyes were reopened for the first time. The birds were singing again, or, maybe I just could finally hear them again separate from the sound of my central AC pounding away in the background, however you see, residing around here with the supreme heat plus humidity… you rack up some absolutely significant Heating and A/C expenses running your a/c nonstop. Your AC unit absolutely needs to be some kind of energy efficient monster if you don’t want to spend money out the nose for high energy bills. And you’d better have a wonderful Heating and A/C repair shop on speed dial, because the possibilities of a cooling system breakdown are extremely high; For all of these reasons, I both care about plus do not like my AC unit all summer. It is what saves me from frying… but it also zaps my bank account plus creates a easily stressful environment, and when the fall weather finally shifts around here, everything is better. You can open your windows, forget about your thermostat, plus venture outside. There’s reason to live, plus it’s really affordable to be comfortable while you do it, life begins again, plus it isn’t centered around a stupid AC unit.