I really wasn’t sure what my professional career would be, and HVAC technician school wasn’t my first instinct.
When people ask me about my career I try to be as honest as I can. Truly, there seems to be a lot of interest in what I do on a day-to-day basis. I suppose people are intrigued by my relatively exotic work-life which doesn’t involve sitting at a desk all day or answering to a stuffy man in a suit. In fact, if anything I answer to air ductwork, heating and cooling equipment, and smart thermostats. I have been a professional heating, cooling, and air quality control specialist for about 12 years now. To be honest with you, when people ask me why I got into the indoor air quality control industry I have a hard time answering them honestly. It’s rather embarrassing to detail the factors that brought me to heating and cooling repair school. You might expect that I grew up in a family where air quality control was very important. However, you would be incorrect. We had a basic forced air furnace in a few AC window units when I was growing up. Nobody had respiratory illnesses or other reasons for advanced air purification units. When I was graduating from high school I didn’t intend to go to heating and cooling repair class. I really wasn’t sure what my professional career would be, and HVAC technician school wasn’t my first instinct. And then, I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. She told me that she was in heating and cooling repair school and I started having a lot of interest in the air quality control industry. I hate when people ask me how I jumped into the central HVAC industry… I usually just hold up the wedding band on my hand.