I bought an air purifier for my best friend

I bought an air purifier for my best friend.

I love my best friend, Katie, so much.

We have been friends since we were in kindergarten, so it has been a few years. I could not imagine my life without her. My husband and I moved a few hours away from her and her husband a few years ago, and I cannot even explain how much I miss her. She says that she is thinking about moving closer to us again just because she can’t handle being so far away from her best friend. I totally understand, and I would move just to be closer to her if my husband didn’t have a really amazing job where we are living right now. I decided that I wanted to get her a gift a few weeks ago, so I bought her an air purifier. She is big into health and fitness, so I knew that she would love something that would give her cleaner air to breathe. I did not know which air purifier to get her since there are so many different brands and models. I bought myself one years ago, but I don’t love it. I wish that I would have gotten a different type of air purifier because they supposedly work better than the air purifier that I have. I ended up getting Katie the one that I wanted. I think she will really like it. It is supposed to arrive at her house tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what she will think of the air purifier that I got her!

indoor air quality