Moving into the attic in winter

For about a year now I’ve been trying to live as eco-friendly as possible, and i feel like this is a regular sentiment and something that you here quite often these days! However, when I say it I’m absolutely talking about taking things to a current extreme; You see, rather than just buying a gas-efficient car and trying to split down on my 2-day deliveries from amazon, I’ve been trying to completely change the entire way I live to be more in line with mother nature.

Instead of fighting air rapidly changing temperatures, light, and air quality, I have been letting my system naturally follow the patterns of our sunshine and seasons. That’s why, in the middle of Summer I’ve been moving my bed down to the basement. I got weary of paying for crazy central air conditioner cost and fighting the oppressive outdoor temperature every single morning, so I decided to simply relocate my sleeping part to the inherently frigid basement. That way, I do not need to fight my naturally high indoor air temperature with harshly high-priced central cooling system treated air each morning. Instead, I can walk downstairs and rely on the low temperature underground to naturally supply all the cooling power that I need. I decided to do the same things in the winters. This year, I lugged my mattress up the stairs and relocated my home office to the highest floor of the house. This way, any amount of central heat that is pumped into the home will passablely rise up to the ceiling, where I can actually soak it up. I’ve been able to decrease my indoor air temperature settings by 5° this year and my energy bills have never been lower.

air purification help