Online A/C purchase was too good to be tplot – identity theft

When I need to purchase something I always try to find the best deal possible, however i know that the first price you see is rarely what you have to pay.

  • If you do a little online research, it’s almost always possible to find a lower listing price or a coupon to save you significant cash, however that’s why, I am no stranger to perusing the offshore discount websites that provide excellent deals on electronics as well as appliances… A lot of people are too afraid to utilize these foreign exchange websites, however I am prepared to roll the dice if I can secure a good deal, however recently, this plan backfired on me when I trusted an offshore website to supply amazing indoor air quality for my home; You see, for the past two years our central cooling system had slowly been tearing down.

I have been calling the local Heating and Air Conditioning dealership at least every few months for an emergency maintenance service when the stupid A/C stopped working one day, however everytime the Heating and Air Conditioning worker evaluated our cooling system, he told me the A/C would need to be upgraded sooner rather than later. I was continually putting off the extravagant air quality control purchase, certain that I could find a better deal for my air handling unit online. Eventually, I saw an a/c deal that was too good to pass up. A bargain website was offering a brand current central cooling system with a high energy efficiency rating as well as many months of HEPA air filters for dirt cheap. I made the purchase as well as felt good about my A/C decision; Well, two months later I do not feel as good about my cooling system purchase anymore. When the “central cooling system” finally arrived weeks later than promised, it was the size of a official A/C window unit.



cooling corporation