Shake rattle as well as roll

While going to see my seasoned school pal I felt like I was living in an earthquake zone.

He doesn’t live anywhere near one but it seemed like it each time the HVAC system engaged.

This was especially strenuous when I was trying to sleep. During the afternoon my associate and I were out as well as hanging at the beach for much of the afternoon but when my associate and I came condo to try as well as relax in the air conditioning my associate and I would have to endure the rattling noise in the walls each time the device turned on as well as off. I asked him if he had looked at it to see if there was something that could be done as well as he said that he was putting it off for fear of the expense. I get the fear of the unknown but I also think that you should have things checked out before they chop completely. The a/cs seemed to put out cooled air as well as even control the humidity but the shaking as well as shuddering in the walls was the part of concern. I told him that his HVAC duct may have come loose as well as that if not fixed it could detach completely. That would make it more high-priced to maintenance as well as cause him to have no cooled air absolutely reach the inside of the house. He said that he would look into it soon as well as I hope he does. When I left I even told him about a contractor in the part that I knew of that had a great reputation. I said that I was sure that they would supply him a enjoyable price as well as do quality work for him.
Ductless mini split