The Cold Wait

The changing of seasons from Summer to Fall is one of my favorite times of the year… Where I live up North, my wonderful friend and I kind of have a transitional phase from summer time weather to the actual fall weather, this phase lasts for about a month from the third week of July to the third week of October, it’s during this transitional phase that the uneven temperatures outside are usually pretty mild, and I just prefer to spend time outside! Once this phase passes though, it’s a totally weird story, but from the last monthof October to the middle of October, my wonderful friend and I have our real fall weather, and it’s not pleasant. The uneven temperatures are usually in the forties and fifties, so it’s pretty freezing but not cold enough to turn on the heater. Well at least in my wife’s opinion, it’s not cold enough. I entirely don’t like that time of year because it seems as if the afternoons drag on as I wait for the time when I can actual turn on the heater. The apartment is cold, and I usually have to dress in lots of layers to stay warm. I have to admit, the changing leaves and the stink of the crisp air of Fall is appealing, but it’s just not appealing enough to outweigh the cold wait, however my wife knows that I get pretty freezing during the fall season, so she bought me two small electric boilers last year to help keep me warm. The boilers do help, but I still don’t know that I will ever care about the Fall like most do.