My husband fixed my air purification system

My husband fixed my air purification system

My husband fixed my air purification system, and I am so cheerful about it. I have had an air purification system for years and years. I cherish knowing that I am doing something to clean the air in my house. I would cherish to be able to help stop pollutants from being added to the

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My husband fixed my air purification system

My husband fixed my air purification system

My husband fixed my air purification system, plus I am so glad about it. I have had an air purification system for years plus years. I love knowing that I am doing something to scrub the air in my house. I would love to be able to help stop pollutants from being added to the

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Multi split air conditioner would be nice

Multi split air conditioner would be nice

I am learning in life that patience is the name of the game. The only thing I am impatient about is finding cherish again, however even that needs patience in itself. I told myself I would dip out of the dating game for a whole year after my last breakup, and now it has been

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The Cold Wait

The Cold Wait

The changing of seasons from Summer to Fall is one of my favorite times of the year… Where I live up North, my wonderful friend and I kind of have a transitional phase from summer time weather to the actual fall weather, this phase lasts for about a month from the third week of July

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Mistakes this year

Mistakes this year

That’s when I realized, this past year I had absolutely neglected my traditional forced air furnace It’s almost November and I can’t even believe it. I don’t know where this year went and it almost feels like I have amnesia. Just the other day, I swear that it was January of 2019 and I was

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Strange noise when my heat kicks off

Strange noise when my heat kicks off

When I was a child I entertained myself. I was given a lot of books from my Grandma since she constantly worked at book fairs. Therefore books were my go to if I was bored. I remember going to my parent’s friends houses for a few hours while they talked and had a few drinks

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Mistakes this year

Mistakes this year

It’s almost September plus I cannot even think it. I do not know where this year went plus it almost feels like I have amnesia. Just the other afternoon, I swear that it was January of 2019 plus I was looking forward to a fresh beginning this year. Now, it’s basically the end of the

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Mistakes this year

Mistakes this year

It’s almost September plus I cannot even suppose it. I don’t know where this year went plus it almost feels like I have amnesia. Just the other afternoon, I swear that it was January of 2019 plus I was looking forward to a fresh start this year. Now, it’s basically the end of the year

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New office, I installed current AC

New office, I installed current AC

My small supplier recently went through a sizable phase of growth. It’s been a long time coming, however, I still unquestionably wasn’t ready for it. I’ve basically been running around in circles pulling my hair out for a few months now. I know, I know, I should be grateful and excited that I am having

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Hated working at a desk – became an HVAC tech

Hated working at a desk – became an HVAC tech

When I graduated high school, my family basically pushed me out onto the street. They were absolutely ready for me to grow up and be a full adult, without their help. At the time, I didn’t know much about the world and I thought that it was necessary to obtain an expensive college degree. I

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Friend constantly has wonderful advice

Friend constantly has wonderful advice

Don’t you care about when you have someone in your life who you can absolutely rely on? I’ve never had easily wonderful advisors or a strong support system in site, so it’s been crucial for me to find folks who have wonderful wisdom they’re willing to share. Luckily for me, my friend is one of

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Shake rattle plus roll

Shake rattle plus roll

While visiting my outdated school pal I felt like I was living in an earthquake zone. He doesn’t live anywhere near one but it seemed like it each time the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system engaged. This was especially difficult when I was trying to sleep. During the day my buddy and I were out

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Multi split a/c would be nice

Multi split a/c would be nice

I am learning in life that patience is the name of the game. The only thing I am impatient about is finding love again, however even that needs patience in itself. I told myself I would dip out of the dating game for a whole year after my last breakup, plus now it has been

Contine Reading

Faulty Furnace plus Frozen Pipes

Faulty Furnace plus Frozen Pipes

My charming hubby, Seth, plus I were just married last Fall, seth worked hard to save plus have enough money for us to build our dream home before my pal and I got married, but unluckyly, Seth was in an accident about seven months before the ceremony plus was unemployed for almost five months. Of

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Living in the country has its charms

Living in the country has its charms

I’ve never been the type who really enjoys being stacked on top of other people. I do not enjoy home living, for instance, as well as will do anything to avoid that set of circumstances again. I’ve been trying to find my own space as well as private relaxation for various years in life, to

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Life with animals is impossible

Life with animals is impossible

When my bestie said that she was “an animal person,” I don’t guess I offered her enough credit. I sincerely believed that she might want to have a animal someday, as well as that was about the extent of my troubles. At no point did I consider that she wanted to be an animal rescue

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It’s all about being fastened

It’s all about being fastened

When was the last time you went a day, or even a few hours without checking something online. Ok, you can not count when you are sleeping because even after that my buddy and I am sure that something in your house is fastened to the internet in your home. We live in a world

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New office, I installed up-to-date AC

New office, I installed up-to-date AC

My small business recently went through a large stage of growth. It’s been a long time coming, however, I still absolutely wasn’t ready for it. I’ve basically been running around in circles pulling my hair out for a few months now. I know, I know, I should be grateful as well as gleeful that I

Contine Reading

Life with pets is impossible

Life with pets is impossible

Then my pal and I got a media UV air purifier installed, to sterilize and filter the air. When my girlfriend said that she was “an pet person,” I don’t guess I gave her enough credit. I genuinely believed that she might want to have a cat someday, and that was about the extent of

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Sewer line repair was for a reasonable cost

Sewer line repair was for a reasonable cost

My husband and I had a plumbing issue recently. Our drain field started leaking. I noticed the smell at first. It smelled like raw sewage being baked in the sunshine. My whole backyard reeked. I thought the concern was with my septic tank and that it needed to be pumped. So I called a septic

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Run an online HVAC support community

Run an online HVAC support community

Several years ago I realized that I was unhappy with my life. I have been working really hard in academic research for several years but it didn’t seem like I was getting anywhere. I wasn’t fulfilled by the research that I was doing nor did it seem like I had any practical impact on the

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Relocating our business made sense

Relocating our business made sense

Over the past few years my buddy and I have seen a dramatic decline in our numbers. We have had to let some definitely loyal employees go because there just wasn’t enough business to afford them any longer. This has been heartbreaking. As a local Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C dealer plus repair shop my buddy

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Air Purification

Air Purification

Most people don’t cherish having wash air to breathe. I was absolutely one of those people until I traveled the globe for my task. I’ve been to several big cities where millions of people live with polluted air every single day. Some have to wear masks to protect themselves from breathing in harmful pollutants. To

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Video games can be helpful for future employment

Video games can be helpful for future employment

When our kid told us that she was hired as a computer programmer for a major HVAC manufacturer my associate and I were confused. What did computers have to do with making furnaces as well as a/cs? I know that many of the newer units have internet connectivity but why would they need so many

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Life with critters is impossible

Life with critters is impossible

When my boyfriend said that he was “an critter person,” I don’t assume I gave his enough credit. I legitimately believed that he might want to have a animal someday, plus that was about the extent of my problems. At no point did I consider that he wanted to be an critter rescue plus fostering

Contine Reading

Faulty Furnace and Frozen Pipes

Faulty Furnace and Frozen Pipes

My appealing wife, Seth, and I were just married last Fall! Seth worked taxing to save and have enough money for us to build our dream home before my wonderful friend and I got married… Unfortunately, Seth was in an accident about seven months before the ceremony and was unemployed for almost five months. Of

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Friend always has wonderful advice

Friend always has wonderful advice

Don’t you appreciate when you have someone in your life who you can definitely rely on? I’ve never had really great advisors or a strong support system in place, so it’s been pressing for me to find folks who have wonderful wisdom they’re willing to share. Luckily for me, my buddy is one of these

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Needing to replace my water heater

Needing to replace my water heater

At night before work I make sure that I am set plus prepped for the morning. This is because I am not a morning lady plus I’d rather sleep in as long as I can. I will get my lunchbox out plus pack my popcorn that don’t require refrigeration plus put them in there. I’ll

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My husband fixed my air purifier

My husband fixed my air purifier

It took him about a week to figure out the problem and fix it, but he was able to fix my air purifier, and I am so excited that it is working once again My husband fixed my air purifier, and I am so happy about it. I have had an air purifier for years

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